Harvard Scientists Uncover a Dangerous But Ignored Syndrome Behind The Nagging Back Pain and Body Aches Plaguing So Many Americans!

How a Forgotten Irish Breathing Technique Erased My
Debilitating Back Pain… With Results I Could See and Feel
In Just Just Days!

I was lying in a pool of blood…

My blood!

The only sound was a high-pitched ringing in my ears…

My eyes wouldn’t focus, tunneling in and out of blackness…

The ringing hammered inside my skull…

…so loud my eyes watered.

Where… Who… was I?

When I tried to move…

Agonizing white hot stabs raced from the base of my skull straight down through my legs…

Like I’d stuck a fork in a 240 volt outlet…

A million electric shocks ignited my nerves and short-circuited everything they touched.

I couldn’t get enough air, no matter how hard I tried…

…couldn’t make a single, pitiful sound to call for help.

I was paralyzed on the ground, and the
pool of blood was STILL expanding…

Completely unable to move my legs…

…my spine a mess of excruciating stabs and searing pain…

…blacking in and out for what turned out to be HOURS…

Until a beautiful woman’s tear-streaked face full of pure panic appeared…

…shaking me awake and screaming over and over again…

“Todd! Todd, wake up”

It took me a few minutes to remember that she was my wife, the love of my life…

…that I was “Todd”…

…and by then I was being loaded into the back of an ambulance, with blaring sirens adding to the chaotic noise shattering my thoughts.

The next weeks and months were a nightmare…

It’s a painful story to tell…

The last thing I want is to relive the pain and fear all over again…

But it’s what sent me on a completely unexpected ten year long journey through the dark underbelly of the multibillion dollar back pain industry…

And eventually led me to the discovery of a completely natural and inexpensive method that would change the lives of tens and thousands of men and women all around the world…

A forgotten Irish breathing technique that erased my daily, debilitating back pain…

And as we’ll see in a minute, left even top Harvard doctors scratching their heads.

Which is why I’m sharing this today…

Because millions of people are suffering right now from life-crushing back pain for no reason…

And I don’t want folks to ignore it for as long as I did.

But in a way I’m glad this next part happened to me…

So I can help make sure it doesn’t have to happen to anyone else.

The “attack” happened in my private, master bathroom while I was brushing my teeth…

But the “intruder” wasn’t some masked, nefarious criminal…

Honestly — I would have been HAPPY if it was…

…compared to the devastation of discovering that the culprit was my own body

…turning against me, betraying me from within!

Later as I was recovering in the hospital they told me my body had been hijacked

…crippled by a dangerous, hidden syndrome quietly affecting millions, if not BILLIONS, of people around the world.

And I’ll explain more about that in just a second…

Including how this attack eventually ended up saving not just my life, but the lives of over 51,027 other people riddled with agonizing daily back pain…

By leading me to discover how to reverse and recover from this silent, deadly, and largely undiagnosed “sleeper syndrome”…

A dangerous syndrome secretly affecting almost EVERY adult in the world to some degree.

In just a minute I’ll reveal the simple 6-second, Harvard-backed test anyone can do at home to spot this sneaky “sleeper syndrome”…

A little known technique I stumbled on hidden in the forgotten rituals of the Maori Warriors in New Zealand

…that helped me not only completely eliminate my debilitating, constant back pain…

But also helped me drop every ounce of excess weight on my body…

Recover peak energy levels I hadn’t experienced since my early twenties…

And finally feel confident, in control, and capable in my own body again.

But first you have to understand…

I was only 29 at the time.

DECADES younger than most of the patients receiving the terrible news I got from the doc that day.

On top of a Grade 3 concussion that could have left me comatose — a brain-dead vegetable…

Plus the fact that I could have easily broken my neck and died, leaving my wife to find me cold and lifeless in our bathroom…

He told me the culprit was the L5 disc in my spine suddenly slipping after years of strain and abuse.

Next, he asked if I’d been lifting something heavy when it happened…

…but all I was doing in that bathroom was brushing my teeth in front of the sink!

That’s when he paused, and got real quiet…

Before asking me if I’d been having back pain — and for how long.

Because I had all the signs and symptoms of what he called a dangerous “sleeper agent” syndrome…

And as he explained the symptoms, and what he recommended I do to prevent this from happening again…

The blood drained from my face.

“You’re overweight, your core muscles are too weak…

and if you don’t fix it FAST it could cause even more life-threatening health problems like…”

Wild blood sugar fluctuations

Worries over heart and cardiovascular health

Blood pressure fluctuations

Compromised immune response

Sustained, damaging stress

Cognitive decline

Daily back, neck, and shoulder pain or discomfort




Respiratory problems

And more

But what I didn’t know until later was that all my efforts to escape my near-constant back pain… to tighten, strengthen, and stiffen my core…

To erase the heavy, excess belly fat that everyone said was the source of my constant, searing back pain…

Were actually the exact reason that my core was as weak and soft as it was!1

The same reason I managed to throw out my back DECADES before I ever thought I’d need to worry about it…

And the real reason why NOTHING I tried…

No matter how hard I worked or what I did in the gym, the kitchen, or at home…

The tens of thousands of dollars spent on yoga classes, back clinics, inversion therapies, massages…

Or on top of the line mattresses, adjustable bed frames, “stressless” furniture, shoes, ice and heat packs, massages…

And worst of ALL…

On chiropractors that did more damage than good…

…none of it could eliminate or even ease my nagging, incessant back pain!

Honestly, it had always felt like the harder
I worked to get stronger…

…the more painful, insistent, and debilitating
my back pain became!

And I was RIGHT2

Because the solution that would finally ERASE the constant, searing back pain I’d suffered with for years…

That would actually let me drop the excess weight spilling over my waistband…

That would show off the hard work and dedication I put into my health…

All the strength I’d worked so hard to build…

And that would take me YEARS to piece together and discover on my own…

It had nothing to do with how many crunches or situps I did!…

What I ate…

Or even things like stretching, yoga, and anti-inflammatory medications.

Because my weak core, my daily aching back pain, and my unstoppably expanding waistline…

Even my constant irritability, stress, lack of sex drive, and “down” moods

Were all caused by one super common but overlooked “sleeper syndrome”!

And the fix?

The Fix Is As Simple As Taking This One Kind
Of Very Specific, Deep Breath…

But before I get into the details of how this one, very specific type of breath can help end DECADES of spinal trauma, struggle, and pain that keep you from living a full, healthy life on your own terms…

No matter how young or old you are…

No matter what genetics you have…

And even if your movement and strength are limited because of an old injury or surgery…

You have to understand that the real cause of debilitating, stubborn back pain, shoulder pain, intense tension migraines, and even hip pain…

…doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with aging or genetics!

It’s not even about fitness or diet, like most “experts” love to harp on about. And last, but definitely not least…

…it has pretty much nothing to do with willpower, discipline, and or how active you are either.

Because NONE of those things can unlock the true, root cause of persistent, nagging back pain while this little-known syndrome stands in their way!

Even if nothing’s worked before…

And you feel like you’re at the end of your rope — frustrated and resigned to managing your pain, to limping through life, with no real results and a handful of toxic painkillers every day…

You’re NOT stuck with a life full of constant pain, frustration, and limitation!

Other pills, programs, and exercises don’t work because they don’t handle the real, hidden cause of nagging, endless back pain.

So it actually makes complete sense that nothing else has worked before.

Because before any of it can work, you have to get rid of this “sleeper syndrome” at the root of it all first!

That’s why most people end up relying on dangerous pills and medications to manage their pain…

…to alleviate the constant discomfort, tugging, and stabbing in their backs no matter how much, or how little, they’re doing…

…and why back pain management businesses keep raking in around $100 billion dollars of our hard-earned money every year, with no end in sight3

Constantly pressuring us to keep coming back for expensive “treatment” after treatment, for results that are always “just one or two” more treatments away…

Since they never address and eliminate the TRUE cause of the problem!

Because just like me, my wife (who I’ll introduce you to in a second)

…and the tens of thousands of the people I’ve helped over the past few years…

weight management, stretching, and strength training WILL NOT ease your pain until this “sleeper syndrome” is dealt with.

Those things can only provide temporary relief of the symptoms!

Trust me, I know exactly how this feels…

Because both me and my wife went through it for years.

The frustration, disappointment, and shame of feeling so weak, tired, and uncomfortable all the time…

Or feeling like even the simplest of things we LOVE doing could lead to another “spasm”, injury, or weeks of nearly unbearable pain again…

Of forever feeling uncomfortable, in pain, or “unsettled” no matter how we sit, stand, walk, and so on…

…because our own body is enemy number one, holding us back from the life we could be living.

Keeping us trapped in a slow, personal, neverending torture that robs us of our best years and opportunities…

…and ages us into the equivalent of an early grave, where we’re forced to watch life passing us by and leaving us behind!

I’ve been there…

And I’ve come out the other side with the strong, healthy, pain-free spine and body of my dreams!

In fact, at 49 I feel stronger, healthier, and am suffering from LESS pain than I did in my twenties!

So if you’ve ever wondered:

How there are 90-year olds still out running ultra-marathons, dancing, rock-climbing, and even FARMING — pain-free!…

…when you can barely get out of bed some mornings because your back is so sore and stiff.

Or why one 50-year-old can be totally ripped and super lean, like J-Lo or Daniel Craig…

…while just the thought of lifting weights, doing crunches, or playing any kind of high-intensity sport sets your spine on fire and your teeth singing.

Or how teeangers can spend all day bent into pretzels, sitting on rock-hard floors, and sleeping on crappy couches yet still be perfectly fine and pain-free the next day…

…when your body rebels VICIOUSLY if you so-much as bend funny at the supermarket…

Then I’m about to share the answer you’ve been looking for.

AND how you can use it to reclaim your body, your health, your energy, and your life.

But there’s one more thing I need to clear the air about BEFORE I can do all that.

Because you’re probably wondering how I know all this, and if I’m someone you can really trust.

Especially after everything else you’ve tried…

And every other “guru” or “expert” who promised they had the real answer to your constant aching, back pain struggles…

…only to leave you disappointed, frustrated, and ready to give up for good

Or accept the myth that the only thing you can do to erase back pain is lose weight, lift weights in the gym, or risk dangerous surgeries.

Because the truth is…

That advice is actually COMPLETELY backwards…

…and by addressing the “sleeper syndrome” at the root of nagging back pain struggles FIRST…

You’ll finally be able to shed the stubborn, immovable excess pounds weighing you down…

Tone and strengthen your entire body, and get your life back — near effortlessly!

So it’s about time I properly introduce myself:

Hey, I’m Todd Lamb.

And I’m not a doctor or a world-famous “guru” or “health expert”.

I’m just an everyday guy who struggled for YEARS with constant debilitating back pain, and a soft, weak core…

Only difference for me was that in my line of work, having a weak, squishy core was NOT an option.

So when NOTHING else worked for me, I HAD to find my own solution…

And discover the true cause of persistent, stubborn back pain, weight gain, and so on…

Because for me a weak, soft core wasn’t just a confidence-killing eye-sore… it was an occupational hazard!

You see… being strong, capable, and rock-solid reliable…

And having the tight, strong, and pain-free body to prove it…

Wasn’t just something I desperately wanted.

It wasn’t just about quality of life either.

It was (and still is) central to my identity as a former member of the Canadian Armed Services Special Forces

…and then as an elite SWAT operator and K9 handler.

And because of that, I felt like an imposter living a double life for YEARS.

Trying to hide the weak, overweight, pain-riddled version of myself under all my gear…

To look like the imposing, unphased, tough-as-nails enforcement officer I was supposed to be…

while I was secretly losing my mind doing everything I could to strengthen and stiffen my core and build the strong, rock-solid body an elite officer like me was supposed to have!

But no matter what I tried, I couldn’t erase the soft, jiggly excess weight around my middle…

and the constant, suffocating back pain gnawing between my shoulders, stabbing at the base of my neck, and blazing in my lower back and hips.

And it drove me deeper and deeper into despair and depression.

Which actually just made it all worse…

Because I was putting on even more weight

trying even harder to get rid of it or even just stop it from piling on — thinking it was the cause of my weak, pain-riddled back…

…which just made my core even weaker

…and my pain even more crippling, debilitating, and life-threatening…

So I just felt even more out-of-sync with who I was supposed to be, compounding the frustration, desperation, and depression!

I was getting further and further from the man my wife had married…

…the person who was supposed to protect, serve, and save the public from harm

…and who I truly was, deep down.

My body was my own worst enemy.

And it made me so ashamed and frustrated — so out of control and lost — that I couldn’t even face my own reflection.

But the worst part wasn’t just that my body was betraying me on a daily basis.

Or the constant mental toll that trying, and failing, and trying, and failing to shape up and get strong again was taking on me, my health, and my marriage

Almost everyone can relate to that.

And while all that is more than bad enough… more than enough reason to want and NEED a real solution to constant, nagging back pain…

In my situation, not having a strong, tight, and healthy core was LITERALLY putting my life at risk every day.

Not just mine either.

But my loyal canine partner, Rogue…

And all the other members of my unit.

Because my job required me to constantly be bending, lifting, and rotating as Rogue led the way…

…while my team and I investigated real, high-level threats on a daily basis.

And when it came to conflicts, a rock-solid core was KEY to keeping me alive.

Because all the power behind every movement your body makes starts with the core.4

And since mine was so soft and weak, one wrong movement at the worst possible time

Another slipped disc like I’d gotten just brushing my teeth…

Could spell disaster for the entire unit!

I was a walking, ticking time bomb.

And I didn’t even realize it…

…until the night the bomb went off.

That’s right.

Even after that first, near-deadly back injury, I told you about earlier…

…I STILL couldn’t figure out how to get the stiff, strong, pain-free core I needed.

The doctor only told me the problem, and the vague “get your core stronger and drop the weight” solution you’ve probably heard before too.

And I’d been raised to just soldier on — literally.

To keep pushing, keep suffering through, and just work harder.

So that’s what I did.

Trying to make all the weight loss and strength-training advice work for me.

Doing hundreds of crunches, sit-ups, planks, and so on.

And of course…

All that did was make everything worse…

Putting more extra pressure on my back…

…and causing ANOTHER deadly disc slip.

But this time, it happened while I was on the job.

While I was in the middle of apprehending a murderous man who’d just stabbed his wife.

Honestly, I thought I’D been stabbed when it happened.

But it was another slipped disc, higher up my spine this time.

And if it had happened just seconds sooner… instead of catching the guy, I would have been stabbed to death myself

Putting Rogue directly in harm’s way…

Very likely making an already dangerous situation even more life-threatening for the rest of my unit…

And leaving the love of my life, my beautiful wife Tara, a widow.

My wife, who I hadn’t properly held in months because I was so ashamed of my body… of my weakness.

And who I might never have held again if my back had given out mere seconds sooner.

After that night, I knew I couldn’t keep going the way I was.

So I started my own, private investigation spanning years, continents, and cultures…

To eventually stumble on a very unique and little-known “breath” that could single-handedly help me erase my back pain, weakness, and so much more!

I went deep studying the human body, and actually became a certified Tactical Strength and Conditioning Specialist.

But my focus was always the core — the “trunk” made up of the back, abdominals, and chest.

What it actually took to develop a strong, solid, pain-free core…

…and what the consequences of NOT having one were.

That’s how I stumbled onto something CRITICALLY important.

Something nobody talked about when it came to building up core strength and restrengthening weak, injury-prone backs…

The dangerous “sleeper syndrome” my doctor had only barely hinted at.

And what I discovered led me down a rabbit hole of research, theory, and practices.

I was combing through information from THOUSANDS of years…

From ancient Asiatic texts on things like meditation, yogic breathing, and energy flow

To the current experiments on health optimization and improvement

And while most of it was useless — nothing new, nothing I hadn’t already tried…

…I did find one wildly successful, but completely forgotten book from Britain.

For some reason it had basically been buried and forgotten by pretty much everyone, — probably because it was printed in Britain, back before the internet — but I knew it was important.

Because all of this research…

It all started when I discovered that the majority of the core muscles…

Especially the DEEP core muscles that drive true core strength and stability

…aren’t actually “strength muscles”.

They’re BREATHING muscles.5

And if you’re thinking:

“Todd — I breathe all day, every day… those muscles are never NOT getting worked out!”

I totally get it — that was my exact thought when I stumbled onto this information.

Actually, I almost didn’t pay attention to it at all!

But then I found out that in most people — myself included — these muscles COULD be stronger…

And in fact, SHOULD be stronger

But they just weren’t.

In fact, in the average person, they were just getting weaker with every year that passed…

Becoming noticeable around 30 years old…

And getting dramatically worse around 506

Those ages are what tipped me off.

Because they’re the same ones so many people complain about, where they tell you not to expect your “youth” to hold out…

…when you start just “waking up wrong” and “getting old”…

…so I dug deeper.

And discovered the dangerous “sleeper syndrome” making it near-impossible to ease or eliminate persistent back pain, weight gain, and so much more!

Honestly, I was ANGRY that no one had put this together before.

Because this dangerous, little-known syndrome ISN’T new.

It’s a well-known health problem plaguing almost every person in the Western world to some degree.

It was what my doctor had been hinting at the day of the attack in my bathroom… And in fact…

Because This Quick Harvard-Backed7 Test8 Will
Determine Whether Or Not The Technique I’m About To
Reveal Will Provide Back Pain Relief



Step one:

Lay down on a soft flat surface, and let your body relax.


Step two:

Place one hand on your chest, and the other on your belly just below/in the hollow of your rib cage.


Step three:

Now, take a BIG breath.

Aim to inhale for a full (I’m talkin’ Mississippi’s here!) 5-7 seconds straight.

Don’t think about this too hard, just do whatever comes naturally to you.


Step four:

Watch your hands as you breathe.

Which hand rises first, and higher?

Then you, my friend, are probably suffering from this “sleeper syndrome” right now!

And that’s not surprising at all.

About 95% of the Western world’s population is secretly plagued by this
dangerous “sleeper syndrome” because of our modern lifestyles, stress, and
even the way we sit!9

It’s why barely anyone naturally and easily breathes into their BELLY first…

Using their deep core, diaphragm muscles the way our bodies are designed to…

…and like we see babies and pets do naturally, every day10.

And it’s creating a MASSIVE cascade of problems11 that affect our health in a TON of different ways…

…including our stubborn, unstoppably expanding waistlines.

But I couldn’t find a single doctor or weight loss expert that had studied this syndrome deeply…

…and followed it’s trickle-down effects.

Because while the surface level problems that this syndrome creates are important…

…it’s the deeper, domino-effect12 that explains why so many of us end up with persistent, untreatable back pain that needs to be managed with dangerous, expensive medications and pills.

It works like this:

First, this syndrome causes stress13.

On your mind AND your body.

Because not being able to take full deep breaths tells our brains that something is wrong…

Since shallow breathing is how our body copes when we experience ACTUAL stress, like in dangerous situations or intense workouts14.

So when we aren’t breathing deeply enough…

Our brain assumes we’re in a stressful situation and tries to help us cope…

By speeding up our breathing to make sure we get enough oxygen in our bodies15

…which creates more stress on our body16.

Forcing our hearts to beat faster and harder…

Putting pressure on our entire cardiovascular system…

And releasing tons of cortisol — the body’s main stress signal — into our system, all day17.

So it’s like we’re all living through a mild but constant panic-attack

…or a never ending cardio session that leaves you in worse shape than you started in!

And all that stress drastically increases our risk of heart diseases, blood sugar management problems, and cardiovascular issues!18

So that’s definitely a big problem…

But that’s also just the FIRST wave of negative effects.

Which is where most experts’ knowledge ends.

The next wave is where we uncover how this syndrome is also crippling our cores — including our backs19

Expanding our waistlines…

And raising our risk of all those same health problems even more…

Because when we don’t breathe deeply, we don’t activate the most important parts of our core20.

And when we aren’t using those muscles…

the blood simply stops flowing21 to them as much.

And since they keep getting weaker without use OR proper blood flow…

…they can get “loose” and start spreading out!

In fact this is a known medical condition22 and it happens to almost every new mother after birth.

But it DOESN’T just happen to pregnant women…

It happens to anyone whose core muscles become too weak and “loose” over time…

…and it can even happen because of doing too many ab exercises, or lifting weights the wrong way!

That’s exactly why just working the core harder actually INCREASES your risk of back pain and injury, and makes a belly bulge out even more…

Since you’re putting more pressure on those weak muscles…

…and actually PUSHING them out even harder… and weakening them even more!23

And while this “loosening” and spreading of the core muscles is bad enough on it’s own…

…the limited blood flow to this area adds even more problems!

Because any muscle-building, strengthening effects we could be getting from eating differently or exercising…

…the cells and signals that build muscle and burn fat for energy

They’re all carried through the bloodstream.

So without healthy blood flow…

They can’t reach the key, deep core muscles in high enough amounts to rebuild the lost strength and muscle!24

Not only that…

But because of all the stress and pressure on our body, the blood that DOES reach this area

is chalk-full of cortisol.

And that raises insulin levels…

which tells our bodies to store energy as fat instead of using it to rebuild strength!25

So all because of this medically-ignored
“sleeper syndrome”:

Our stress levels spike through the roof, and our stressed hearts have to work overtime all the time…

Which puts us at risk for a ton of long-term health problems like erratic blood sugar, and cardiovascular problems…

Then the strength of our core (including our back) drops because we aren’t using most of the critical, breathing muscles there…

And we lose the natural “corset” of a strong, activated core that usually “cinches” everything in firmly and supports our spine…

So our whole “trunk” gets weaker and our spines start rounding, compressing, and degenerating because they aren’t properly supported…

Then the exercises we do to try and restrengthen our cores actually just stress, weaken, and injure those muscles even more, while expanding our waists…

And our blood flow is flooded with cortisol and insulin, which tells our bodies to store energy as fat instead of using it to rebuild strength26

But it doesn’t stop there either!

Because as our core muscles get weaker and expand…

They can’t support and stabilize the spine properly.

So our posture starts getting worse

The lower back rounds…

The shoulders hunch and cave into the chest…

And our body has to rely more on our back muscles27

Creating strain, pain, and constant tension as well as accelerated wear and tear on the lower back…

In between the shoulders…

On the neck…

All that makes us even more likely to injure our backs, like the slipped discs I experienced28

and smooshes our stomach and lungs even more29

…making it even harder to breathe deeply and properly engage our core.

So all because this “sleeper syndrome” keeps us from breathing deeply enough…

…a compounding waterfall of problems isn’t just increasing our health risks

…it’s also creating our stubborn guts, love handles, and excess belly fat…

and causing persistent, debilitating back pain that turns your own body against you, and keeps you from living a full, healthy, and happy life!

And like I just explained…

The harder we try to correct this by following traditional advice…

…the more stress we create and the worse these effects get!

So it’s clear:

Before we can finally erase our nagging back pain for good and get back to a full life free from its crippling effects…

…we need to get rid of this dangerous “sleeper syndrome”!

But Just Taking Deeper Breaths WON’T Cut It…
Don’t get me wrong…

It’s a good start.

Just by actively breathing more deeply we can lower our stress30

Reduce cortisol and insulin in the bloodstream…

Lower blood pressure…

…and cut the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular disease back down.

And that’s obviously great.

But it WON’T fix the damage to your back and overall core.

Just like simply walking around your house doesn’t prepare you for a mountain hike…

…simply breathing more deeply now can’t restrengthen the muscles that were neglected and weakened after decades of sabotage by this hidden syndrome…

…or reverse it’s effects!

Because as long as those muscles are weak and “loose”…

And the blood flow to your core is low…

You’ll naturally fall back into the same, destructive breathing habits whenever you aren’t paying attention!31

Since your body has spent so much time adjusting and compensating for all this, it will actively fight you as you try to correct it!

Which means you can’t just start breathing more deeply here and there to fix the problem.

You have to get more blood flowing to your whole core…

Rebuild its strength…

And reactivate ALL the muscles, 360 degrees around — including the ones we use primarily for breathing!

That’s the key to rebuilding your natural, strong spinal support…

And FINALLY erasing constant, nagging, aching back pain!

But if simply breathing more deeply and intentionally isn’t enough…

And traditional core & abs exercises put you at even greater risk of injury and pain, like I mentioned earlier…

How can we rebuild and strengthen the WHOLE core…

…including all the muscles we use for deep breathing…

So we can eliminate this “sleeper syndrome” sabotaging our health and strength?

This is where I hit another roadblock.

Because every method I could find to strengthen the core, improve blood flow, and so on…

…they all had the same problem.

Whether it was yoga…


Tai chi…

Breathing exercises…

Or anything like that…

If the core muscles are already weak…

And if the body is already overcompensating

Causing strain, stress, and what is known as “hyper mobile” joints resulting in constant pain in your back…

Then those types of exercises and movements will keep relying on — and straining — your strongest muscles…

Instead of using the weak ones!32

So they aren’t reaching deep into the core breathing muscles… where this dangerous syndrome hides!

So I needed to find a way to use and strengthen the core breathing muscles…

…not the abs and the back, which were already overstressed and hugely injury-prone.

I was so close, I could almost taste it…

…but nothing I did was turning up any real results.

I wish I could say I figured it all out on my own…

But the truth is I probably never would have figured it out…

Except for an utterly crazy turn of luck that allowed me to stumble on a literal back health prodigy…

Practically right in my own backyard.

See, I’ve always been a huge rugby fan…

And I used to play when I was young… before the back nightmare started.

I’ve always stayed in touch with my old teammates though…

Including a few who went on to play at the international level.

And just when I thought I had hit a dead end finding a solution to my back pain…

I got a call out of the blue from a buddy who was then the coach for the national rugby team.

He says to me…

“Todd, I need you to talk to this new Athletic Trainer we just brought on to work with the team!”…

“I know you’ve been suffering for a long time with your back”…

“Well, one of the players has been playing through bad back pain for a while”…

“And this new trainer got him back to 100% in less than 3 weeks”…

“So I thought of you. Her name is Danya and I want you to call her, ok…”

By this time I was so skeptical
of experts and health care professionals…

But my buddy’s endorsement meant a lot to me…

So I met with Danya a few days later.

And it was one of the best decisions of my life.

Like me, she’s a rugby fan…

And in a strange way it’s what led her to stumble on the missing link to finally erase even the most stubborn back pain.

See, her favorite team is the All Blacks from New Zealand…

And she loves this crazy “Haka” dance they do before their games.

It comes from the aboriginal Maori culture in New Zealand…

And as you’ll see in a minute,

that’s what led her to discover a forgotten
“weight loss bible” from Britain

It was written by an Irish physical culture instructor named Frederick Arthur Hornibrook back in 1924

And was reprinted 18 times as THE preeminent weight loss solution for the British up until the 1960s!

After that it basically disappeared from public and medical view.

…forgotten as the focus and blame shifted from our core strength to our diets and our weight…

…and left behind since this was before the advent of the internet.

But inside its pages, she found the secret to reactivating and strengthening all 360° of the core so you can finally end back pain and reclaim the life you truly want to live!

Because back in the early 1900s, it was already clear that modern, industrialized life was making us soft.

People were sitting more…

And their waistlines were expanding more…

Leading to the first “epidemic” of obesity, constipation, and constant, untreatable aches and pains…

…and the starting spread of this little-known, hidden syndrome.

Mr. Hornibrook discovered that bad posture…

…the result of this dangerous sleeper syndrome already wreaking havoc on our cores…

was to blame.

So he started studying the “splendid physique” of native populations…

And by studying the Maori tribe from New Zealand, he discovered their rhythmic, ritual dances…

…the breathing and movements these dances were built on…

And techniques that stimulated the ENTIRE core — including the deep, breathing muscles!

Using the system he created by studying these Native cultures, Hornibrook completely transformed his body

The results were so dramatic that newspapers even started calling him “Brawnibrook”33!

When Danya stumbled on this while reading up on the Maori culture…

She knew she’d found a MAJOR piece of the puzzle — a way to truly root out and eliminate the real cause of debilitating back pain.

Honestly I was spellbound as she explained all this to me…

And so excited that maybe this was the final piece of the puzzle to finally solve my back pain for good.

But there was just one problem…

After injuring my back MULTIPLE times already…

…I couldn’t risk the wonky and wild movements Hornibrook taught!

However Danya reassured me that she had already experimented and researched different ways to use his techniques in a safe and accessible way

Kind of like the modifications you get in exercise classes…

Because I was still in a lot of pain.

She gave me just one little thing to try…

And guaranteed that if I did it faithfully I’d be back for more…

At first I was skeptical because all she gave me was a specific breathing technique.

With this one type of breath, which I could do simply and easily, just laying on the bed, or the floor.

It didn’t feel like I was doing much of anything…

…but the next day I was SORE.

And not in the aching, debilitating way I had been for years now!

It was muscle soreness… the type of pain that comes with GROWTH, with getting stronger!

I was cautiously optimistic…

Hopeful for the first time in MONTHS of research and digging…

Which is when I knew I had to learn more from Danya. We started working together weekly…

…and that’s when I started feeling REAL results for the first time in YEARS!

Each day I woke up with a little bit more range of motion, a little less pain…

I felt TALLER — because my posture was straightening out.

And, shockingly…

The excess belly weight that had caused me so much shame, frustration, and rage…

…so much injury and pain and hopelessness…

started melting right off me too!

Within 5 days I started noticing my pants fit looser, and my shirts weren’t as snug around the belly…

Then after just a couple weeks I got out of bed…

Walked to the bathroom…

And actually did a double take when I saw how flat my belly looked in the mirror!

I was used to seeing my belly sag over my waistband every morning and I could hardly believe how much tighter my stomach looked already!

All the while, my back pain became more and more distant… duller, less frequent, and mild enough I could stop chewing pain pills like candy every day.

And day by day… bit by bit… things just kept getting better and better:

…or even really thinking about it at all!

I was EUPHORIC, and I felt truly ALIVE
for the first time in years

My wife was so excited for me, and by the results I’d gotten…

…that after suffering years of debilitating pain from a brutal car crash…

…she wanted in too!

So I begged Danya to take her through the same simple routine she had taught me…

Using the same simple breathing technique along with a few other core activation movements she’d successfully adapted from Hornibrook…

And my wife was STUNNED at the total body pain-relief she felt

while all the excess weight just melted right off her — effortlessly, like ice cream on sizzling pavement baked under the summer sun!

We had FINALLY found the solution to years of agony, shame, and disappointment.

The hidden “sticking point” keeping us trapped in our bodies and struggling with pain, while stubborn pounds attached themselves to our stomachs, hips, and back and compounded the problem…

And a reliable way to release that “sticking point” to EVICT the root cause of all the pain, suffering, and shame!

By now I was so excited that I told my story to anyone who’d listen…

And I was shocked to find out just how many other folks were silently suffering terrible back pain…

So of course I started referring them all to Danya…

Which is when I got a bit of a shock!

See, these folks all called me back and said Danya refused to see them.

Turns out she only took me on a client as a special favor to my buddy…

And that although she’d love to help these other folks, she was completely overloaded.

See, because of her reputation for results…

She’s constantly flooded with Olympic athletes, national teams and professional sports organizations begging her to work with them.

As much as I pleaded with her to change her mind, she just couldn’t.

But she knew I was also a personal trainer…

And she offered to help me codify everything so that I could work directly with people suffering from back pain.

At first I was nervous…

But after my first few success stories word of mouth started getting around…

And before I knew it I had developed a kind of “cult status” as the “Back Fixer”…

Until it got to the point where I just couldn’t handle the number of people who needed my help.

Folks were contacting me from as far away as Europe and South America even…

And I just didn’t have the time to help everyone.

Which is how we ended up here today.

Because I could not abandon all those people who were in the same terrible nightmare I had been living not so long ago.

I went back to Danya and begged her to help me create a
“DONE-FOR-YOU” system that we could hand off to anyone…

That would allow them to experience the same life-changing relief that she gave to me…

And that I’d since been giving to dozens of my personal training clients.

That simple system we created has now reached more Than 51,027 People online

Folks who have used the system built around this single breath to finally end their back pain struggles and regain the healthy, strong, slim bodies of their youth!

Even when nothing else had worked for them before.

Because the more people we shared it with…

The more results and pain-free lives we created…

The more we were able to refine and perfect the DONE-FOR-YOU process!

So you don’t just get the CRITICAL core-activating and strengthening breath that erases back, shoulder, and neck pain

…while releasing years of stubborn belly fat buildup…

You also get a whole set of steadily more challenging movements and breathing exercises that restrengthen and naturally protect your entire spine…

Creating a natural “safety net” that keeps you strong, healthy, and confidently capable of handling any opportunity and challenge life throws at you…

…by delving deep into your body and evicting the entrenched “sleeper syndrome” at the root of your endless pain…

The true culprit not just sabotaging your strength and quality of life…

…forcing you to fear and avoid the activities and movements you used to do with ease and excitement…

…but also creating the perfect environment for a whole host of even more dangerous, malicious health risks and problems to flourish…

…including unstoppably expanding waistlines!

“Shallow Breathing Syndrome”

This malicious saboteur of a syndrome hijacking your body and trapping you in pain and discomfort isn’t hiding in your excess belly fat…

…your back muscles or abs…

…or your diet…

Like all those experts claimed and blamed.

It’s a BREATHING syndrome hiding in your unused, weakened deep core!

Which is why only a highly targeted, specific type of breathing can effectively ERADICATE it’s long-reaching negative health effects…

…and almost-completely REVERSE it’s chokehold on your body and your life.

Since without strengthening the deep core muscles weakened and degenerated by constant shallow breathing…

…your body will be forced to compensate and degrade ALL the surrounding muscles…

Straining, draining, and accelerating the wear and tear on your body by years, if not DECADES.

And the fact is…

Even though doctors know about Shallow Breathing Syndrome…

…they DON’T fully understand what it takes to reverse and erase it, aside from “strengthening the core and dropping the weight”.

Honestly, it’s just not really their wheelhouse, and they’re busy dealing with bigger, more obvious health threats.

And because of that…

Because there are SO many of us who struggle with unnecessary, daily pain, frustration, and limitation…

Because we were able to create relief and results when no one and nothing else could, since I was able to reverse and eliminate Shallow Breathing Syndrome FIRST…

We wrote down and packaged up the entire system into a simple, easy-to-follow program we could share with anyone looking to rebuild, strengthen, and fortify their core in order to free themselves from the constant oppression of endless back pain

Even if they suffered from back injuries, invasive surgeries or procedures…

…or just couldn’t do most traditional “strengthening” exercises safely…

And that’s exactly what I’m so excited to be sharing with you today!

Real People. Real Results.

We call it

And it’s the first and only system built specifically to help eliminate shallow breathing syndrome and reverse its dangerous symptoms…

So you can break free from constant, crippling back pain and feel completely in control & confident again!

Back On Track is the first and only holistic guide to rebuilding a strong, healthy, and pain-free back.

It focuses on re-engaging, strengthening, and improving blood flow to all 360 degrees of the core muscle group…

…getting to the root cause no other back pain relief program out there addresses, reverses, and eliminates:

Shallow Breathing Syndrome.

The whole program builds on one simple breathing exercise that re-engages and re-ignites your entire, deep core.

Since the core is mostly made up of BREATHING muscles that work together with strength muscles to create a strong, stable, and stiff core…

…one that’s reliable, capable, and completely pain-free while it supports your spine…

These muscles can ONLY be targeted and strengthened through specific breathing exercises

Otherwise they’ll stay weak, blood flow to the area will remain minimal…

…and your back will be forced to continue overcompensating for the lack of spinal support…

…resulting in the near-constant, agonizing pain, discomfort, and weakness you’re already familiar with…

…and the catastrophic cascade of health problems Shallow Breathing Syndrome causes.

But with the specific breathing technique I rediscovered, refined, and perfected…

ANYONE, even people with physical limitations from injury or surgery, can…

Plus you can use this breathing technique anywhere…

Even throughout the day when you have a spare few minutes…

To keep tightening and toning the natural “corset” of muscles that support and strengthen your back and spine…

Retraining your body to naturally take deep, calming, belly breaths…

…and creating the core strength you need to help eliminate Shallow Breathing Syndrome and it’s long-term health risks for good.

Here’s Exactly What You’re Getting Inside
Back On Track System Today:

First, we’re giving you

The Back On Track 2-Week Quick Start System

Following this simple, easy-to-follow, and straight-to-the-point manual will help you quickly reactivate, re-engage, and re-strengthen your dormant core muscles.

Stimulating blood flow, building strength, correcting postural problems

…and easing or erasing constant, nagging, and draining back pain and discomfort!

This is exactly how I got started, and what finally created noticeable, visible results and deep relief for me within just 5 days.

By following this 2 week quick start, you can experience near-instant relief from decades of spinal strain and pain, and be ready to take total control with…

The Back On Track Master Manual

This is the ultimate, in-depth step-by-step guide to eliminate Shallow Breathing Syndrome and the persistent, debilitating pain it causes.

It’s also THE culmination of more than a decade of researching, testing, tweaking, refining, and perfecting the single breathing technique capable of unlocking and restrengthening your entire core.

…and the accompanying movements Danya discovered and added to the program to MAXIMIZE efficiency and create the fastest possible results and relief.

So you can start enjoying a pain-free body while ALSO shedding excess fat in your most stubborn, sensitive areas…

Even eliminating the beer belly, pooch, and love handles…

…and finally FEEL strong and confident, with the body you’ve worked so hard to achieve all these years!

Everything you need to know and do is inside this master manual…

…whether you simply want to end the back pain holding you back from a full, healthy, and happy life…

…or you want to take your results to the next level by creating maximum strength and stiffness in your core for total piece of mind and confidence…

You’re getting every ounce of “know-how” AND “how-to” you need to make it happen.

But that’s not all.

We’re also including

The Back On Track Video Guide

To visually guide you, step-by-step, through each and every breathing exercise and movement…

…and give you total peace of mind that you’re successfully activating, strengthening, and rebuilding your deep core.

With these training videos, it’s almost like having me in your living room, coaching you through each step…

And personally training you — a service that typically costs upwards of $125 per HOUR…

…but comes standard inside the Back On Track to ensure your success.

PLUS! I’m Including THREE Results Accelerator Gifts
To Help You Feel Strong, Healthy, and Revitalized As
Fast As Possible!

The first bonus is My Strong Spine Supplement Stack

I’m sure you’ve seen a TON of performance-boosting, fat burning, muscle-building supplements on the market today…

Even ones promising to eradicate your back pain too…

And over the past decade or more, I’ve tried almost ALL of them.

Like you probably suspect…

Most of them don’t really deliver the results they promise.

But over the years I HAVE found the rare few that truly do help to accelerate strength…

Reduce inflammation and pain…

And help your body function at its absolute PEAK!

Which not only reduces the stress, inflammation, and fat within your body…

…but creates a perfectly optimized environment so your body can stay pain-free, strong and healthy for DECADES on end.

That’s why I’m also sharing my private list of personally verified and trusted supplements…

…the ones that will truly add fuel to your restrengthening and fat-burning fires so you can get strong, healthy and pain-free as quickly as possible!

I’m also including — completely free The Back On Track Exercise Calendars

Because seeing fast and sustained results with Back On Track does require CONSISTENCY.

And with everything going on in our lives, we often suffer from something called “decision fatigue”…

Which makes it harder for us to stick with a new program when we have to think about it, try to fit it in, or figure out what we’re doing on any given day.

That’s why I’m making it easy to plan out MONTHS of your core-strengthening, back pain-eradicating practice…

…so you know exactly when and what breathing exercises and movements to do each day…

…and can reap the rewards as soon as possible…

By taking care of all the planning for you!

Simply print out these calendars and put them somewhere you’ll see them first thing in the morning…

…so it’s easy and automatic to stick with the program and create the core strength you need to finally escape your back pain struggles!

And lastly the free gift I’m MOST excited about…

You’re receiving 21 Days of Online VIP Coaching Completely FREE Of Charge!

Even though my private clients have paid upwards of $3000 for this level of exclusive VIP service

And even though it’s impossible to get access to Danya anywhere else…

I know how important direct support and coaching is when it comes to seeing fast and lasting results.

Although you’re not just getting support though…

You’re getting access to our entire world-class team of doctors, nutritionists, occupational therapists, health experts and weight loss specialists…

I want you to have a 100% success rate…

Which is why I’m giving you free access to this amazing online coaching resource starting today

As soon as you finish your enrollment you’ll instantly be added to my secret closed Facebook group and you’ll get access to our online members area.

Inside you can ask Danya and me any question you want, network and bond with other folks going on the exact same journey.

…and get the motivation and ACCOUNTABILITY you need to stick to the system and get the amazing results and pain relief I’ve shared with you here today.

Because the fact is…

Ending the persistent, debilitating back pain that’s plagued you for so long is just the beginning of the benefits eliminating Shallow Breathing Syndrome will give you…

With Back On Track, You Can Also Enjoy…

Back On Track Is The Only Program That Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To End The Constant, Crippling Pain Keeping You From Truly LIVING Life.

Look, I have to be clear here.

If there were another option that truly addressed the REAL cause of stubborn, constant back pain, aches, and weak, injury prone cores…

…I wouldn’t have spent more than a DECADE developing and perfecting Back On Track myself.

But nothing I found helped to reverse and eliminate Shallow Breathing Syndrome

Unlock DEEP core strength, blood flow, and natural spinal support…

AND shows you how to incorporate simple, healthy nutrition, supplements, and more to create a truly optimized, strong, healthy and rock-solid body.

That’s why Back On Track doesn’t just teach you the key breathing technique Danya and I discovered, refined, and perfected to reverse Shallow Breathing Syndrome…

…it gives you a TOTAL health and fitness package.

So you don’t have to spend years, thousands of dollars, and countless sleepless nights figuring it all out on your own…

Piecing together 67 different programs and supplements to find something that actually works…

Sifting through all the “snake-oil” and “marketing magic” to get to the real solutions…

And even giving up on ever feeling strong, healthy, and capable in your own body again!

All You Have To Do Is Open Up The
Easy-To-Read Guides And Follow The Simple,
Step-By-Step Instructions…

This program isn’t fancy — and that’s on purpose.

For one — I’m not a fancy guy.

I’m a soldier at heart, and I focus on getting stuff done.

So I’m giving you the no-nonsense, step-by-step action guides you need to get real results…

…with none of the extra fluff.

Everything is in printable pdfs that you can read on your computer, your phone, your tablet…

…or simply print off and keep handy wherever works best for you.

The instructional, guided videos are simple, short, and to the point — because I know your time is valuable.

And given the results early Back On Track customers have gotten, I’d say that makes it even easier for you to achieve the pain-free, strong and healthy back and body you’ve been dreaming about:

Real People. Real Results.

“Once you told me my scoliosis did not define me it had feltlike a massive burden off of my shoulders, back and literal spine. My mind was conditionally committed to accepting it and feeling broken, which led to me getting no results and almost giving up. Your words and coaching was life changing for me. I’ve changed my mindset right away to commit to my health and learning to trust my body, and I am back to ocean swimming, my body is happy, and my whole being is celebrating life. Thank you so much.”

— Megan (Mom/Teacher)

“I have been dealing with nerve pain for over 10 years. I have tried everything you can think of to fix my issues from prescription pain drugs to chiropractors to Chinese medicine, you name it, I've tried it. I didn't find anything worked for more than a day or two. Then I was referred to Danya! She looked my issues from a totally different perspective. With her knowledge from working with so many different athletes she has been able to get me from having to take days off, laying on the floor in pain to a place where I can lift weights and move again. She has equipped me with exercises and routines to go through if I feel pain coming back. I'm jumping rope, hitting the punching bag and doing weights 3 to 4 times a week. Most of all she has been great motivator, who is happier with my progress than I am. I highly recommend her to anyone, She is the best!”

— Sharon (Realtor)

“For years I'd always put off dealing with aches and pains, having experience only short term benefits from physio and not really knowing what to do. Since working with Danya she's not only played a big part in helping me relieve the draining back pain i'd been putting up with, but much more than that shes given me the tools to create REAL lasting change in my body to keep future issues down to a minimum and deal with them properly if that do crop up. This is invaluable to me.”

— James (Entrepreneur)


This system didn’t just save my life… it let me — and more than 51,027 others — love and actually live life again!

The deep-seated shame I felt at not being as strong as I was supposed to be…

Not looking and feeling the way I should, so that the people I put my life on the line to protect as a SWAT officer could have faith in my strength and capability…

Or my wife would recognize the man she married…

And the fear that I would either lose my life, or cost my squad theirs, because I couldn’t “shape up”…

Back On Track is what finally freed me from all of that.

It’s what allowed me to feel and look like my TRUE self again…

To easily embrace my beautiful wife, and be completely present to appreciate her in the moment.

To live fearlessly, easily enjoying ALL my favorite activities and past-times, unhindered and unafraid of injury or pain…

And it’s what lets me wake up, see my reflection in the mirror, and SMILE — sometimes so wide it hurts my cheeks!

All without sacrificing the things in life that make it feel worth living.

And that’s why I’m determined to share Back On Track with the world.

My dream right now is to give that sense of strength, joy, and happiness

To erase the frustration, desperation, and hopelessness

…of one MILLION people.

It’s a big goal.

Maybe it’s not reasonable.

I can’t really say, to be honest, until I’ve tried.

But what I do know…

…is that getting this system into YOUR hands…

Helping YOU end the nagging back pain robbing you of life’s most precious moments…

…and the thoughts of hopelessness, frustration, shame, and embarrassment that are holding you back from truly living the life you actually want to live…

…that are pulling you out of the present moment with your friends, your family, your spouse, your kids…

…or keeping you from feeling confident, sexy, strong and independent…

I CAN do that.

And by helping you, I’m one step closer to achieving my goal of helping a million people all around the world do the same.

That’s why I want to do something special for you today.

The total value of everything inside Back On Track is more than $147…

…but that’s not what I’m asking for today.

I mean, to be honest…

The total value of this system is priceless.

Every dollar I spent on my journey to discover, refine, and perfect this system was WELL worth it in the end.

But what I would pay ANYTHING to get back is all the time I wasted, and years I spent incapable of truly living.

I’m sure you feel the same.

That’s why at $147, Back On Track is already a steal.

But like I said…

Helping you today is my main priority.

So I want to do something special, something that makes it EASY for you to commit to transforming your body, and changing your life, with this system today.

At first, I committed to knocking the price down by HALF

…and setting your price to just $77 for as long as this article is up.

But then I ran the numbers.

And I realized that if I knock off my own profit margin, and just charge what I need to cover the advertising costs of getting this into as many hands as possible…

…I can save you another $40 on top of that.

Which means that when you can click the button below right now, you can get the entire Back On Track…

…escape constant back pain to reclaim your body, your health, and your life…

…and skip more than a DECADE of expensive, dangerous trial and error, shame and frustration…

…for just $37

Now Here’s The Catch: To Lock In Your 61% Off Savings…

You MUST Act Now!

Because sacrificing our own profits, and barely breaking even on selling this program isn’t something we can afford to do for long…

Especially now that I’ve dedicated 100% of my time and effort to this mission.

And it’s only something I’m happy to do for people who are willing to prove that they’re action-takers.

Since getting Back On Track into the hands of 1 million people won’t mean anything…

…if those people don’t actually follow through and USE it.


To be completely honest…

My beautiful, amazing, and headstrong wife Tara is NOT on board with that last price cut.

After experiencing the results of the system for herself, and watching friends, family, and customers transform their bodies for the better…

…Tara whole-heartedly believes I should be charging 10 TIMES as much.

Because she believes that people simply won’t believe in the quality and effectiveness of the program — and take whole-hearted, all-in action — if it’s too cheap.

Tara says:

“Nobody is going to believe you can get “Saks 5th Avenue Results” at “Walmart” prices.”

And honestly… she’s probably right.

But I’m willing to take the loss for you today, to find out…

…if you’re willing to jump in with me right now and commit.

If not…

…if you pass today and come back later to find your special discount has disappeared, and the price has gone up…

Well, then it’ll be too late.

But since that’s NOT what I want to see happen…

I’m stacking the deck in your favor.

And Backing Up Back On Track With 100%
Risk-Eliminating, 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee!

Here’s how it works:

Simply click the button below this video to head to the order form and grab Back On Track for just $37 right now…

USE the material…

(It’s so easy to use and as close to “Done For You” as humanly possible.)

See for yourself how EASY and natural ending your constant pain can actually be…

…how free, confident, and strong you’ll feel without needing to rely on pills, tinctures, and creams…

And if you don’t think Back On Track is worth at least DOUBLE what you’re paying today…

Just contact my customer service at service@theflatbellyfix.com any time in the next 60 days to get every penny of your purchase back, no questions asked.

PLUS I’m Adding In FOUR More Free Gifts To Make The Experience As Painless And Fool-Proof As Possible…

That’s 7 Free Gifts total!

First, I’m also giving you my Fix & Flatten Gut Health Protocol…

Because the toxins, bloat and inflammation in your gut right now could be adding as much as 3 inches to your TRUE waist size…

…while knocking your center of balance off and adding extra strain and pain to your back!

Stress, pollutants, and even hidden ingredients in so-called “healthy” foods are causing gut inflammation in virtually everyone

And that inflammation and bloating pushes out on your gut lining and makes your stomach bulge out even more…

Worse… it triggers a domino effect of possibly serious health issues…

And contributes to Shallow Breathing Syndrome by creating discomfort and pressure in your abdomen…

Which stops you from taking full, deep breaths naturally!

So today I’m giving you the proven protocol I’ve refined over the past decade to restore your gut health and eliminate this dangerous and ugly belly inflammation in just 7 days

(Instead of waiting weeks for the results of proper nutrition to correct this problem!)

Simply follow the step by step plan and watch your belly deflate daily, like you’re letting the air out of a balloon…

While the pressure and discomfort in your gut, colon, and lower back all disappear.

I’m Sharing The Body Balance Program of Simple Stretches For Pain-free Living…

Because having dealt with constant back pain for years, if not decades already…

You already know that when your back is in pain, the rest of your body adjusts to compensate

Shifting tension, stress, and pain to other parts of your body like the knees, hips, neck, and head too!

So now that you’re correcting the true root cause of all the
back pain, these simple stretches will help reset, repair,
and fortify all your other pain “hot spots” as well!

I’ll show you:

  • How to release your “stress muscle” and rid your body of built up negative emotion…
  • The #1 contributor to back pain (aside from Shallow Breathing Syndrome) and the simple stretch that fixes it…
  • The neck stretch that practically banishes headaches on demand
  • The 1-minute daily exercise to reverse knee pain near-instantly…

And so many more tricks for pain-free living that it almost seems like magic…

Just watch and follow along with the videos that address your situation…

Mix and match the stretches and gentle exercises that suit you in only minutes a day…

And gradually re-strengthen and fortify your entire body against the stress, strain, and inflammation aggravating your pain…

…so you can live a truly pain-free and limitless life!

Next is The Flat Belly Nutrition Plan and 21 Day Accelerator Meal Guide

Like I explained earlier, because of Shallow Breathing Syndrome we now know the old adage, “abs are made in the kitchen” doesn’t tell the whole story…

…because the kitchen or the gym won’t flatten and tone your tummy until you’ve fixed Shallow Breathing Syndrome.

But once you do, this proper — and super simple — nutrition plan will help you quickly shed the stubborn extra weight clinging to your middle and unnecessarily straining your back

So you’ll be able to experience completely pain-free days, without a single pill or potion needed

…while looking as good as you’ll be feeling

…and do it all faster than you thought possible too!

That’s why I’ve included, at no extra charge, the exact nutrition plan me, my wife, and all my personal, private clients use to accelerate dramatically visible results

…plus 21 days of pre-planned and perfectly portioned meals you don’t even have to think about…

…so you can see and feel results in as little as just a few days!

And for the last bonus, I’m throwing in The Back On Track Whole Body Strength and Tone Program…

With the improved blood flow, reduced stress levels, and increased strength Back On Track will help you achieve…

…your back will be feeling better and more pain-free with each and every passing day…

…while pounds start melting off your middle too!

Once that happens you’ll probably want to start tightening up and strengthening the REST of your body to match and support…

…because once you finally escape the crippling back pain keeping you from enjoying life

and shed the stubborn, excess weight that no amount of hard work and deprivation made a dent in before…

…achieving a total body transformation, and the healthy, strong, and fit physique of your dreams…

…is just a few, simple, and highly targeted exercises away.

That’s why I’ve included this step-by-step guide full of the most effective and efficient movements, lifts, and exercises you can use to tone and strengthen your entire body

Experience new heights of energy, strength, and easy confidence

And add more strength to your entire muscular and skeletal system…

…so you can keep enjoying effortlessly pain-free days…

…and continue melting and eliminating any excess fat

…even while you sleep!

Because the more active muscles you have, the more energy your body burns — even at rest.

So by adding in a few of these simple movements to your routine…

…you’ll be able to see a head-to-toe transformation in the way your ENTIRE body looks and feels.

Without all the stress, overwork, or deprivation.

It’s just another way of saying thank you for listening to this life-changing video…

…and joining me in my mission to help one MILLION people eliminate Shallow Breathing Syndrome

Reclaim their backs, bodies, and health…

And change their lives for the better.

That’s An Additional Value Of At Least $95 — Included
At No Extra Cost In Your Discounted
Price Of $37 Today!

Back On Track Is The Only Proven And Perfected Program Capable Of Taking Your Core From Weak, Pain-Riddled and Soft Back To Visibly Strong, Healthy, and Pain-Free…

Because I’ve GUARANTEED that you’ll have everything you need to re-ignite and strengthen your core for maximum spinal support and pain eradication.

Which means that it doesn’t matter whether you’re male or female, young or old, or anywhere in between…

Back On Track is jam-packed with each and every thing you need to get the strong, healthy, pain-free back and core of your dreams!

And even better, by eradicating Shallow Breathing Syndrome and your constant, crippling pain you’ll also be able to more easily drop all the excess weight it caused…

…and even enjoy the perfect, slim and firm tummy too!

Whether that’s simply tight, flat, and well-defined

Or a sculpted 6-8 pack capable of winning you a trophy in a bodybuilding contest…

…you’ll find everything you need to achieve your perfect stomach inside Back On Track too!


…no matter your age, weight, previous injuries or complications…

…or how many other programs, diets, and exercises never worked before.

Because none of them fix the true problem causing your constant and debilitating back pain:

Shallow Breathing Syndrome

And that’s exactly why I spent years piecing together, testing, and refining Back On Track I’m sharing with you today.

So now, you have just two options:

Option One

Option One is to commit to the Back On Track system today… and a lifetime of energy, hope, and pain-free passion for life

Where you LOVE your body and are amazed every time you roll out of bed strong, confident and pain-free

You wake up excited at the possibilities of the day and with all the energy and strength you need to make the most of it…

Buying flattering clothes is simple now, makes you feel amazing, and lets you show off the love, care, and dedication you put into your body…

You feel confident, excited, and EMPOWERED, bubbling over with energy and ideas…

…and you’re unafraid to live the life you’ve always dreamed of — loudly and proudly, in total control and comfort within your own body.

You get to immerse yourself in each and every moment without worry, dress the way you truly want to, and love joyfully and wildly (with the lights on too!).

Imagine yourself rolling out of bed feeling light and strong for the first time in your adult life…

Picture the bright, beautiful smile on your face when you look in the mirror and realize how powerful and beautiful your body has become

How flat and firm your belly feels when you run your hands over it…

How capable and strong you feel, without a hint of pain to hold you back or make you afraid to tackle the day…

Imagine picking out clothes that SHOW OFF your body instead of hiding it like something to be ashamed of…

And enjoying it all without sacrificing delicious meals, snacks, and experiences…

Without spending all your time in the gym instead of with your spouse, kids, or loved ones…

Without the exhaustion, frustration, and desperation of endless pain and strain, a constant need to be on guard against your own body, feeling guilty and ashamed and a stranger in your own skin

…or being constantly FED up with your body, but TRAPPED inside it, and losing hope that it’s even possible to break free and take back control.

Option Two

Well, it’s just a continuation of the life you have now…

That feeling of hopelessness… Of being trapped in your body

Of feeling yourself getting heavier and more exhausted and more consumed by the endless, persistent pain and discomfort, fed up with the never ending struggle…

With your belly flab and with your constant aches and pains every single day

Wondering why it’s SO HARD for you to get in shape and strong…

Why your body is CONSTANTLY fighting you, sabotaging you from the inside out…

Or feeling GUILTY because you aren’t spending HOURS and HOURS at the gym every week to get stronger or carry less weight…

Even though working out as hard as you can doesn’t get you anywhere at all and only ADDS to your constant pain.

I know you don’t want that.

I know you are SICK of seeing your gut sag sadly over your waistband every time you look in the mirror…

Of trying to pretend it doesn’t bother you and that you’re “OK” with the unreliable, pain-riddled, and weak body you’re trapped inside right now…

Even though it’s full of pain, aches, shame and disappointment you can never escape…

And I know you’re tired of YEARNING to know what it would be like to have power and control, fearlessness and ENERGY like you did when you were a kid…

…now that you have the maturity, resources, and clarity of an adult to actually appreciate, use, and truly ENJOY it.

That’s why I’ve made it so easy, and so risk-free, for you to choose Option
One and join me, my wife, and 51,000+ other people who have been set free
with theBack On Track

All you have to do is click the button below and enter your payment information in the secure checkout you’ll find on the next page.

 Regularly $147 

JUST $37!

(Immediate Action Discount)

$Claim Your Discount

Let me take the weight off your shoulders…

…and help you finally have the strong, healthy body and full, well-lived life you so desperately wish for…

I personally promise you’ll be very happy you did.

Again, I’m Todd Lamb and I’m incredibly excited for you to experience what happens when you apply Back On Track in your life…

Thank you for your time and watching this presentation… And I can’t wait to hear about your success.

Copyright © Back On Track 2025. All Rights Reserved.